Friday, May 4, 2012

A Courtroom Mercy

I was sitting in a courtroom this morning.  For maybe the second time in my life.  I made sure to get there nice and early and as I was waiting my turn, lucky for me I had a book in my purse to read to kill some time.  Shortly into my reading...well in fact in just the second sentence I stumbled across the word "courtroom".  I thought to myself, well now that is kind of ironic given that I am sitting in a courtroom right now, and it's not a very common thing!  It triggered my thoughts to think deeper.  Years ago my mom taught me to be on the look out for little things that God shows you throughout your day.  Whether blessings, or reminders, or glimpses of Him.  So I read, and re-read, and re-re-read the sentence over again.  This is what it said, "When I come to the Lord after I've blown it, I come with only one appeal: His mercy.  I've no other defense.  I can't escape my biggest problem: me!  So I leave the courtroom of my own defense.  Because of what Jesus has done, God looks on me with mercy.  It's my only appeal, it's the source of my hope, it's my life" {Paul David Tripp}. 

I chuckled to myself imaging being in front of the judge in just a couple minutes and him asking how I plead, and I cry "MERCY!".  Oh we know that would not work.  BUT... it works for God. Ahhhh.  How very different the Lord works than what we know here on earth.  On earth, if we violate a traffic law (such as failure to get new registration tags ;) ) then we pay a fine.  Mercy is so very contrary to what we know as humans.  That is why we need to think on it often. 

Back to the courtroom. My name was called and I gathered my courage and walked forward; passing many others sitting and waiting their turn.  I was ready to raise my right hand and plead GUILTY!  However, the judge only asked if I corrected my mistake.  I opened my mouth to speak in agreement and my voice was much softer than I knew it to be.  I guess I was more nervous than I thought.  The judge had the warmest eyes and through watching others take their turn at the stand, I acknowledged that he was also the nicest judge I had ever seen.

Needless to say, the judge let me off.  No fine, no slap on the wrist, no penalty.  Even though I was clearly guilty.  I was thankful.  This judge was merciful to me this time...but my only true judge is merciful to me ALWAYS. 

God met me in the courtroom today ~